
About Us


The Real Colombia

Helping Fellow Expats

The process of relocating to Colombia was frustrating and complicated for us. We love to make complicated processes easier and we love our chosen country, Colombia. So we had the perfect idea, to start a business helping fellow Expats to relocate to the beautiful country of Colombia. We do that with a holistic approach to support you on every step of the way.


    Our Mission

    Help Expats Relocate

    We help our fellow Expats relocate. From deciding where to go, getting a visa, finding an apartment and much more.

    Live a better life in Colombia

    Connect Locals

    We connect great locals to clients so they can earn a living and support themselves and their families.

    Sustainability in Colombia

    Giving Back

    We want to connect Expats with locals who find themselves in a difficult situation.

    Make a difference in Colombia
    Finding Our New Home

    We were searching for more adventure and a deeper meaning than we could get from our 9-5 in Switzerland. That’s why we decided to pack our bags and move to a foreign place. More in the video.

    Our Struggles Of Settling Down

    We finally found our new home. It is Medellin, Colombia. Quickly after we found our “El Dorado” the first challenges came up. How to rent an apartment, how to get a visa, how to get healthcare… More in the video.