Tacha - How To Expat
Tacha - How To Expat

Never Say Or Do That In Colombia | Colombian Culture

Colombian Culture Lesson

In this video, we want to share a few lessons we learned over the pasts years of living in Colombia.

We noticed pretty fast, that Colombians don’t get offended quickly. These days people get offended by a lot of things, luckily the Colombians don’t. BUT there are still a few things one could say wrong and actually offend someone.

Don’t Say or Do The Following Things To Colombians:

  • Never blame anyone directly
  • Spell COLOMBIA right
  • Never say you don’t like their food
  • Don’t try to change the culture

Those are just a few things you should avoid doing in Colombia in order to stay out of trouble. As mentioned before, Colombian’s don’t get easily offended but there are always exceptions. Like disrespecting their culture for instance.

I hope you could benefit from these tips and hopefully use it in your future travels or life in Colombia

The post Never Say Or Do That In Colombia | Colombian Culture appeared first on How To Expat.

Sam and Tacha
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Our mission is to help fellow Expats and Soon-To-Be Expats, to start their journey, avoid Gringo Prices, and settle down hassle free.

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  • Culture Fanatics
  • Dog Lovers
  • Colombia Enthusiasts
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