Sam - How To Expat
Sam - How To Expat

Is Medellin Becoming Too Expensive Because Of The Gringos?

Is Medellin Getting The New Costa Rica?

Lately, there were some rumors about Medellin becoming the next Costa Rica. This means foreigners are flooding in and as a result, they will raise the prices to an extent that the locals have to move out because they can’t afford it anymore.

At the moment you get even more COP for the Dollar because the Dollar is so strong right now. Which is the total opposite of what people are saying.

This means it’s even less expensive compared to 5 years ago. Due to the inflation which is normal our monthly rent is higher BUT I pay less after all because the Dollar became stronger. I pay $20 less than before even though they raised the prices.

The prices have risen, due to inflation and in the most touristic areas too due to the many tourists. But that doesn’t affect Medellin in general but the specific places.

Long story short, is Medellin really getting more expensive because of the foreigners?
From my personal observation and opinion, I would say, that’s not true.

After watching the whole video you should know better and don’t believe those rumors.

Gentrification video:

The post Is Medellin Becoming Too Expensive Because Of The Gringos? appeared first on How To Expat.

Sam and Tacha
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