Sam - How To Expat
Sam - How To Expat

Medellin vs. Bogota | City Comparison

Medellin vs. Bogota | Which Is The Better Expat Destination in Colombia?

Medellin vs. Bogota

Another day another city comparison, today we will compare living in Medellin vs. living in Bogota.

Both cities have their own benefits when living there, but what are the biggest differences between Medellin and Bogota?

As always Sam shares his own opinion, the things that he claims to be a pro or a con for a city might be different for you. But since he can not talk for everyone, he’s talking about his own opinion.

Medellin and Bogota are both great cities to live in as an Expat. The city comparison should help to make your decision easier, in case you’re thinking of relocating to one of those cities.

Bogota is the capital city of Colombia and has around double of the population Medellin has. It is a pretty international city and has a lot of corporate companies located there. Due to that you see more foreigners and heare more different languages from all over the world. But is such a huge city for you?

Medellin is famous for its eternal spring weather (for us even eternal summer) Medellin is a really developed city and has a lot of entrepreneurships in the air. It’s a fast-growing city and has a lot of great spots to live in. But because the city isn’t as big as Bogota there are not so many options to live, compared to Bogota. And a lot of great activities are further away. Is the city of Medellin right for you?

Watch the video and find out which of those cities fit you better.

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any Expat questions you might have. No matter if you’ve got questions about Medellin, Bogota, Santa Marta or Colombia in general. We would love to support you on your journey.

The post Medellin vs. Bogota | City Comparison appeared first on How To Expat.

Sam and Tacha
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Everything you need to know and more in one package! Get to know the good, the bad and the ugly of Medellin.