Sam - How To Expat
Sam - How To Expat

Pros and Cons of Bogota

Pros and Cons of Bogota | Living in Colombia

Bogota, the capital city of Colombia!

What to expect and what are the Pros and Cons we experienced in Bogota?

First I have to say that we both have been pretty surprised by Bogota, people kinda tend to speak badly about Bogota. Whatsoever, we liked it a lot but also noticed what we would rather skip, like the traffic for instance.

Bogota is famous for traffic and cool weather. But there’s so much more than only the horrible traffic and the chilly weather.

Bogota is a huge city, with a lot to offer. It is international and has therfore tons of international schools. There you’ll find the best school in the whole country.

There’s a lot to see and a lot to do. We only had a few days but in those days we saw so many things already. Luckily we had great tour guides, BertJan, and Maria that showed us around the city and explained a lot of things that we would have needed to research for a long time.

They really gave us an Expat and a local view of Bogota, which is exactly what we needed in order to understand the city better and to see the differences to other cities in Colombia.

If you’re planning to visit or even living in Bogota, we would highly recommend getting help from our trusted partners in Bogota.

Find more here:

The post Pros and Cons of Bogota appeared first on How To Expat.

Sam and Tacha
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