Tacha - How To Expat
Tacha - How To Expat

Why We Decided Against Costa Rica, Panama & Co.

Why Colombia?

In this video, we will talk about our reasons for choosing Colombia over other Latin countries.
We did a lot of research before we actually quit our jobs and started our Expat journey.

We first decided to visit countries like the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Panama. Sam and I still thought that Colombia would be too dangerous for us and that we should check out other options first.

We quickly realized, that the island life is not for us and that it feels too secluded for us. That’s when we made an important decision.

We came to the conclusion, that Colombia could actually be our Expat destination. We quit our jobs and went to Ecuador first because you also hear of a lot of Expats living there. Ecuador is a beautiful country, but the two of us didn’t find what we were looking for.

After arriving in Medellin, the first time ever being in Colombia, a sensation caught both of us, and we said it almost at the same time: “That could work for us!”

Watch the whole video in order to understand why we didn’t visit Mexico, Costa Rica and other countries where a lot of Expats live.

The post Why We Decided Against Costa Rica, Panama & Co. appeared first on How To Expat.

Sam and Tacha
About Us

Our mission is to help fellow Expats and Soon-To-Be Expats, to start their journey, avoid Gringo Prices, and settle down hassle free.

We are:

  • Relocation Managers
  • Culture Fanatics
  • Dog Lovers
  • Colombia Enthusiasts
Video Course

Everything you need to know and more in one package! Get to know the good, the bad and the ugly of Medellin.